If you have a loved one that is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, a Florida drug intervention specialist can help them choose to get the help they need. Handling a drug intervention can be a scary process. While some people suffering from addiction realize how their behavior impacts others, other individuals do not. Also, addicts often refuse to admit that they have a problem. A professional drug intervention specialist can provide assistance and direction on how to hold a successful drug intervention.

Drug Intervention

When holding a successful drug intervention, you should gather four or five people who the addict loves and respects to participate in the intervention. During the intervention, participants will share how the addict’s behaviors are affecting their own life and the lives of others. At this point, you should offer the addict a plan to address their drug addiction. In addition, you should identify consequences for the refusal of treatment.

Treatment Plans

Before staging an intervention, it is imperative to identify treatment plans. One of the most effective ways for people to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction is through a treatment program. You should make arrangements at a drug treatment facility for your loved one to immediately begin treatment upon agreeing to address their problem. Regrettably, many treatment programs are booked weeks to months in advance, so arranging to have one immediately available is crucial. By working with a Florida drug intervention specialist, you can make arrangements for the necessary treatment services.

Seek Help from a Florida Drug Intervention Specialist

In addition to setting up drug treatment, there are other reasons you may not want to stage an intervention alone. Are you worried that your loved one will be angry or out of control? A Florida drug intervention specialist can help. It is important to protect yourself, others, and your loved one if you feel that the situation may become violent. Many people also worry that confronting their loved one about an addiction problem could result in impulsive or suicidal behavior. Fortunately, Florida drug intervention specialists receive training to handle difficult situations, and they have years of experience guiding interventions to successful outcomes.

If you have a family member or friend who is struggling with a substance addiction, you may feel overwhelmed and scared. Substance Intervention is here to support and guide you through the process of getting help for your loved one. If you need the expert advice of a Florida-based drug intervention specialist, contact our Miami office today. We’re here to help. Call 800-315-3303.